Friday, October 11, 2019

Some opinions...

Actually many women can’t get pregnant for many different reasons and sometimes they want to be mothers… I think that is so important that the adaptation can be more accessible. In Chile the adoption has been declining over the years and I think that this must stop. Many children don’t have family for many reasons and they want to be a mother or a father, but the country doesn’t allow it, because the process is so complicated and extensive… Also, many gay couples want to adopt and can’t do it…

Violence on television

Sometimes we see television with children presents and we don’t think if the content is appropriate for them… It’s bad. In the first years of our live, we imitate all the things that we see, so if children see violence on television, they will violent in the real world. We can’t do that to the society.
Pets at home
I think that all people need to have a pet in their home, obviously, only if they can. The pets are the best company and the best family that you can have. There are many different types of pets; you can have dogs, cats, fishes, rabbits, etc. But if you are going to have a pet, you must have adequate space, enough money and lots of love.

I think that is very important to recycle, because the planet need help to stay alive. Every day, each one of us produces 1.2 kg of trash… We need to stop.
Actually, many people and cities are implementing recycling systems and it is so good. But if you are going to recycle, you should know if recycling will continue or eventually put everything together in a garbage…

Friday, October 4, 2019

After chemistry and pharmacy

When I will finish my study of Chemistry and Pharmacy, I want to work for a time, without studies. After 5 years I think that I want to make a little course of direction and leadership, I’m not sure about where I want this course, but I think that this course would be so important to my future because I want to put a pharmacy so I need to know how to lead a group of workers.
Apart of this, I want to make a specialization on clinical pharmacy, preferably here in Universidad de Chile and maybe another in the foreign, but I’m not sure because I don’t have the needed information to take a decision. But a thing that I know is that I what to study part time, because I will need to work to pay for the studies.
I want the specialization on clinical pharmacy because in the future I want to work in the hospital of my province; I want to improve the system.
I would like to take little courses of many things, not only relate with pharmacy. For example, I want to take course of contemporary dance because this will contribute to my dance; I want to take a course of manicure because I like this theme and I maybe can help me to generate money to pay my studies; etc.
I think that I will never stop studying, because I really like to learn and I think that we should all continue learning forever.

Friday, September 27, 2019

My future...

I like to have everything planner. I plan all the things that I will do in a short time or in a long time. 

When I finish my career I will start working in a pharmacy for around 8 or 9 years to learn about the organization, administration and all the system. Then I will put my own pharmacy in El Paico. I want to work with people that I know in the university and people from the town that are starting in the career of chemistry and pharmacy. After about 10 years, I want to delegate jobs in my pharmacy and share the administration of it, because I want to start a specialization in clinical pharmacy, so then I will work in this area in a hospital of a province until I no longer want to continue in it. When I don’t want to continue in it, I will work only in my own pharmacy, specific in the administration of it and maybe I can do other things when I want.

I like to work in some specific parts, for example, I want that my pharmacy stay in the town El Monte, most specific in El Paico, because I know that I this place there is no pharmacy. Also I want to work in Talagante’s hospital, because I know that it is not a good medical center, so I want to improve the health of people in the province.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The world of dance...

Dance like it is the last time

 People has many different hobbies, someone likes play football, sing, read or play guitar. In my case, I really like to do many things: I like to read, sing in my house, riding a bike… But the thing that I really really love is dance.

 The dance is an experience so interesting, because you can talk without words, and the people can understand you. When you dance, you connect with the public, they can feel your feelings.
 When you are in a stage, you forget everything, you forget all the problems, the preoccupations, the bad moments, because in this moment the only thing that is important, is that you are there and the bit is your body.

 Many persons think that they can’t dance because they are ugly, fat, stiff or stupid. But now I tell you: it doesn’t matter if you are “ugly”, fat, stiff or if you don’t know which the left is and which the right is. Everyone can dance. The only condition to dance is to want to do it. And obviously, you must to be committed.

I started to dance when I was 8 or 9 years old and I never stop. I dance everything, every bit, every song… I dance national and international folklore, contemporary, jazz, dance show, lyrical, ballet, children’s songs, everything… And I really love it.
I’m part of a dance group called “Ballet Folklórico Aÿen del Bicentenario” and I’m part of a ballet group in the cultural center of my province. I want to dance all my life... 

Friday, September 6, 2019

Why I study my career?

Why we select the career that we are studying?

I think that every career has an important aspect that makes us select them. Sometimes people wants to teach to other people, so they study pedagogy… Other persons want to have a company, so they study administration… Another person wants to help to the animals, so he studies veterinary... And we have many other examples…

In my case, I want to help people, so I am in a career about health, specifically I am studying chemistry and pharmacy.
I like this career because it doesn’t matter in what area you work; you always can help the people. Many persons believe that if you study chemistry and pharmacy, you only can work in a pharmacy, but this is not true, you can work in many areas.
For example, if you work in a pharmacy, you can help people give them the correct medicine and tell him how he has to consume. Or if you work in a laboratory, you can make the medicine to the people who need it or you can create a new medicine. So, wherever you work, you can help.
I think that this is a so important characteristic of chemistry and pharmacy, because I think that the “common benefit” is very important not only for me like a person, is very important for the humanity and the world.

When I say that I want to help people, I want to help to my own too. Because I have many medical problems and I think that this career can help with them or at least can help me to understand them. I think that this is very important for me. I think that I want to help people who have the same problems that I have.

An extra reason that makes me select this career is that I love chemistry and I think that is a very funny subject. So I think that I will be happy here.

Friday, August 30, 2019


A trip can change the way you see the things

  I want to travel to many places in the future, but an especial place is London. I really want to go to England and walk in the London’s streets. 

  I love this country for many reasons. The first one is that I am fan of Harry Potter’s books and these books are set in England. Another reason is that many museums and parks of these books and movies are in London and I really want to meet them. Apart of this, I really like to go to the Buckingham Palace and visit many types of museums, gardens, parks... I think that I want to know all the cultural places of this country... 

  This country has a winter so cold with many snow and I really like that because I don’t know how is live in a place with snow.

  In London, is so easy going to anywhere because the subway connects the entire city and with a good map you can travel easily. But maybe this could be a complication because the subway is so biggest and the organisation can be confusing...

I think that I would like to live there but only for a few years. I think that I would visit many places and then I will go to another country and live a few years there and go again. I want to travel and met many places of the world, not only England.

Friday, July 26, 2019

My experience...

The communication is a very important part of the humanity. Every day we talk with many people, we see many people and we live with people, so we can’t ignore that the communication is important. If we don’t communicate, we can’t know how the other feel is, or we don’t know that something is happen or what are people think… So we have to communicate, we really have to do that.
My experience with the blogs was very important for me, because it is very difficult for me to communicate in person and this was an opportunity for says all the things that I can’t say in a normal day.
At first blogs I didn't can write easily because I never did that in my life so I think that I was scare, but now I can write and publish in English and it is not so difficult like in the past. I never thought that one day I would write a blog and it would be publish… Now, I do that every week.
We write about many things and I think that it was cool because sometimes we had to think a lot to find the words corrects for the day. I would like to continue writing blogs because now I know that it is a good form to say things that normally we don’t say to the people. Maybe I would like to write about cook, some things that we want, or maybe about love.
I don't know what things we can include in the future, I really like everything as it already is.
I think that everything was a beautiful experience...

Friday, July 19, 2019

The panic disorder...

Today I will talk to you about an especial condition that many people has in the world but only a little bit of them speak about this… Panic disorder.
I selected this topic because I know what is to live with this disorder. I have panic disorder since I was about four or five years old and I had to learn to live with him and it is not easy.
This disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that produce panic attacks in the less desired moment. The panic attacks are sudden sensations of deep terror, which sometimes doesn’t have a true reason why… Sometimes the people who have this disorder think that they are crazy because they are scare but they don’t know…
It is a very difficult problem because doesn’t have an official cause and can happen in any moment, in any place with anyone close… And sometimes the people, who stay in the moment with a person who has a panic attack, don’t know how to act or what to do to help the person who suffers…
According a global ranking of anxiety, Spain is the country with more people with panic disorder (90%). In Latin America, Argentina is the first country in the ranking, with an 84% of persons with the disorder. On the other hand, in Chile more of one million people has a panic disorder, this is a 6.5% of the total population. Also, the disorder affects two or three time more women than men!
If we are going to talk about how the disorder affects the rest of our body, we must bear in mind that anxiety and panic attacks don’t always generate the same symptoms in people. However, the most common symptoms are sweating, chest discomfort, palpitations, shortness of breath, afraid to die and many negative thoughts…
The panic disorder can be very limiting because sometimes you don’t want to leave your house or you don’t want to go to school or any place… Sometimes you don’t want to talk to anyone or even, you don’t want to see any person… 
I just want to ask you, who are reading this, that if one day you see a person who has a panic attack, don’t laugh at her, don’t scare her anymore and don’t tell her that she/he is crazy… Just tell him that everything will be fine and that nothing bad will happen…

Friday, July 12, 2019

The best subject... (for me)

In my school life, I love many subjects, like chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics…  And I hate others like sport and history… But I think that the most important in my life was mathematics. I have an especial connection with this.
When I was 8 or 9 years old I really bored in the mathematics class because I understand faster and I thought that the class was very slow... So my teacher helped me to learn more and I started to love this. I loved mathematics because I thought that they are easy and I had excellent marks.  

However when I started studying in Liceo Bicentenario Talagante, I undercover the world of the Olympics of Mathematics and I really love it. In almost all Olympics the test consists of two or three questions of logic, geometry and specials applications of the math. And sometimes the questions have a very funny context…
I participate in many types of Olympics, like CMAT, the National Olympic of Mathematics, the Olympics of Liceo de Aplicación, Olympics of Liceos Bicentenarios, Olympics of Instituto Talagante and the Olympics of my college.

Many times I won medals and trophies in the Olympics but this never was very important for me, because I always saw these things like entertainment and not like a real competition.
All Fridays I stayed until four or five o’clock in the college studying or practicing for de next competition whit my best friend of competition Valentina and a teacher.  I think that these moments were the best in the school because we were few people in the course; we are usually three and sometimes ten… That was perfect because we can do the class as we wanted. Sometimes we eat many things or we only talk all the class… That was so funny.
However, I don’t study something like Mathematics, statistics or something about this, because I always think that mathematics is an entertainment and if I study something with this I would hate it... 

Friday, July 5, 2019

An important person...

I think that everybody has a person who inspired him or a person that they can admired.
In my case, this person is Maria Griselda Hinojosa, the first woman who studied pharmacy in the Universidad de Chile.
I think that she is a great example because before her all pharmacists were men and she marks a difference in the time.
She was born in Copiapó in 1875 and she studied with many men in the university, but she graduated after them because she failed in her practice exam. So she graduated in December of 1899, making history in Chile and the education in this country.
She worked in an association with Percival Rojas and she was the leader of “Botica y droguería” in Copiapó, Chile.

I really love this girl because she is an example of beginning of the women in the real education in Chile. She was the first women who studied my career and I think that this is very important not only for me, is very important to the society.

Probably she had many problems when she studied because all her classmates were men and they had a bad mentalist about the school (and university) and the women.

I think that we, in this moment, are very fortunate because every year more women enter to study in the university, but we have to improve with the equality at work. We can be better. We need to be better.
If you want to know more about Maria Griselda Hinojosa, you can read the book “Griselda… la olvidada"

Friday, June 28, 2019

Pretty animals

All people say that dogs and cats can’t live together. But I am sure that they never have cats and dogs.
All my life I have been with different types of pets, like dogs, cats, parrots, rabbits, dunks, chickens, geese and fishes. This was because I lived in a plot so we had many space for the pets.
But now I don’t live in a plot, so I can’t have all the pets that I want. However I have a dog called Daniela, four cats and maybe five (there is a cat that comes to eat at my house) and a lot of fishes.

But I think that the pet that I really love was my dog “Guille”, who died three years ago. He came to my life when I was three or four years old and we grew up together. The name of this dog was a game, because the person who gave us the dog is called “Guillermo Ramirez”, so the dog was called “Guillerdo Ramirez”. But my neighbour likes the Venezuelan comedies and the protagonist was called Guillermo Alfredo and she said that my dog looked like them. So the real name of my dog was Guillermo Alfredo Ramirez Vivanco (Vivanco because originally it was from my aunt and her last name is Vivanco).
He died for a bone cancer and I know that in his last days he suffered a lot, so we decide to sleep forever.
However I always remember him, because we grow up together and play together all the time and I really love him.
Another pet that a really love is my cat called “Momo”, I know that he is the most stupid cat of the world. He doesn’t know hunt and he shout like a little cat (and he is not a little cat). Sometime he really love chase his tail, like cats do in the movies. He always does mischief and he doesn’t like that I touch another cats or animals. He is so cut but is so stupid too.

←The cat in the image is Momo and he like to sleep with the tongue out.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The photographs

With the actually technology many people thinks that they are professionals photographers because they have a cell phone with a so pretty camera. However maybe they don’t know that another people are dedicated to photography professional and they many times studied for this.

The last Christmas my mother gave me a semi-professional camera that I used in the summer vacations. We went to Algarrobo and we walked to the “Humedal San Gerónimo”. In this place I used my camera for the first one. I do photographs of many types of dunks and a coipo (very similar to beavers). This pictures are significates for me because then I do a curse of techniques of photography and now I think that this is not easy hobby and you need to be very precise and you to have a very good pulse.

Although I like the photography, my favorite picture is not mine, it is a very famous image for the Vietnam War. In the image you can see how an innocent girl run away without clothing because her city was attacked with napalm and she was burned. Actually she is mother and she lives like everyone, but when she was a girl, she hated the photography because it was a very traumatic moment.
Sometimes I try to make a picture but my picture is not so beautiful like the professionals, because they really studied photography or cinema and now they are professionals in this area. I think that photographers need more attention and need to be more valued because they capture little moments that marks the story.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Books or films?

Many people say that you have to choose if you like books or movies, but I think that it is wrong. I really love Harry Potter’s books but I love Marvel movies to. So yes, you can love both things at the same time.
At first, we will talk about books. The first book that I read was “The adventures of Pepita Canela”. This is a book written with little poems that you can read in a short time. I always remember this book.

Then, I read all Harry Potter’s books and I love it. I love that a child has the power to save the world and he decided do this with his friends. In this book we always see how one person sacrifice her life to save the rest people and I think that this is a so important message for the kids that can read it now.

In the other side, I am a fan of Marvel Cinematic Universe. I know which movie of this world is my favourite because I love all of them. But I can say that my favourite superhero of Marvel     Universe is Iron man, because he was the first that I knew when I was a girl. Also he always criticizes other people but he always sacrifices his life. So he can be I good example for the kids that watch his movies.

Now you can see that you can love books and movies at the same time and you can be very happy with this.

Friday, May 31, 2019

We love technology

Probably many people would say that their cellphones are the most important piece of technology. However, I think that we have some objects that are most important or sentimental. 

I like many pieces of technology, I like the television, the computer, my cellphone, but I really love the electric oven. I think that it is a so fantastic invent because you can make many things in it. You can cook many kinds of sweets (like cakes and cupcakes), bread and also you can cook meats, chicken and fish. So it is a very practice object because you can leave the meat cooking in the electric oven and you can go to the shop or you can do another things in the house. 

I knew the electrics ovens when I was 10 years old when my uncle gave to my mother a electric oven because in winter she couldn't cook bread in the tin oven. 
I start to used this object about two years ago, because I was  very interested in the cook of sweets, so now sometimes I cook cakes, cupcakes and another things. I really like to do that, it's a very good distraction. 
A very important question about the electric oven is how do you used it? And the answer is so simple: it's depends... Because the use can changes according to what you want to do. If you want to do a cake, you would have to preheat and then you can put your cake in it. If you can cook meat or chicken, you can put in it without preheat the oven.
If I don't have the electric oven, probably I can't do cakes in winter because the rain extinguishes the fire in the tin oven, so we only can eat this type of things in summer and I like eat it all the year. 
So yes, I like my cellphone, but I love my electric oven. 

Friday, May 24, 2019

My future...

People always say that you must decide your future when you are just a kid. Nevertheless, I think that when we are children we only big dream and we don’t know how is the real world.
When I was a girl, I wanted to be a hairdresser because I really loved my hair. But then I knew that my uncle is a doctor and he has everything that he wants. Then since I was eight years old I really wanted to be a doctor and this was my only goal in the school.

However, when I was sixteen years old I started to think that medicine was not a really possible career because is so difficult enter it. So I started to look for another career that interest me and I found Chemistry and Pharmacy and I love it.
I always wanted to enter to the Universidad de Chile and when I applied to the university I put first medicine and then chemistry and pharmacy but I know that I couldn’t enter to medicine because my score was not enough. So now I’m studying chemistry and pharmacy in Universidad de Chile and I really like it.

Finally, I always wanted to work for the people, I want to help people in some way and chemistry and pharmacy help me to do that, so I’m very happy with this career.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Somethings about me

Hi, probably many of you don't know who I am because I don't talk so much... But now you can learn something about me!
I live in El Monte, a place so far away from Santiago but isn't too much like Concepción or Chillán. I don't have sisters and brothers but I have a cousin who lives with me, so... It's the same... She is like a sister for me...
I studied only in two schools: Colegio Divina Providencia El Monte and Liceo Bicentenario Talagante, in this place I learn a lot of things that I can use every day.
Another thing about me is that I really like to dance any type of music. I participate in a dance group and I really love them. I dance ballet, folklore, contemporary, jazz and a little of reggaeton...
Now I'm so scared about university because I don't want to reprove something but I know that it's a normal thing... However I'm so scared...
So... This is something about me and I hope to know something about you. See you!