Friday, July 12, 2019

The best subject... (for me)

In my school life, I love many subjects, like chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics…  And I hate others like sport and history… But I think that the most important in my life was mathematics. I have an especial connection with this.
When I was 8 or 9 years old I really bored in the mathematics class because I understand faster and I thought that the class was very slow... So my teacher helped me to learn more and I started to love this. I loved mathematics because I thought that they are easy and I had excellent marks.  

However when I started studying in Liceo Bicentenario Talagante, I undercover the world of the Olympics of Mathematics and I really love it. In almost all Olympics the test consists of two or three questions of logic, geometry and specials applications of the math. And sometimes the questions have a very funny context…
I participate in many types of Olympics, like CMAT, the National Olympic of Mathematics, the Olympics of Liceo de Aplicación, Olympics of Liceos Bicentenarios, Olympics of Instituto Talagante and the Olympics of my college.

Many times I won medals and trophies in the Olympics but this never was very important for me, because I always saw these things like entertainment and not like a real competition.
All Fridays I stayed until four or five o’clock in the college studying or practicing for de next competition whit my best friend of competition Valentina and a teacher.  I think that these moments were the best in the school because we were few people in the course; we are usually three and sometimes ten… That was perfect because we can do the class as we wanted. Sometimes we eat many things or we only talk all the class… That was so funny.
However, I don’t study something like Mathematics, statistics or something about this, because I always think that mathematics is an entertainment and if I study something with this I would hate it... 


  1. Some people love mathematics (like you) because for them it's very easy. In my case I have a bad relation with maths haha.

  2. I love mathematics too, you are so intelligent, I admire you

  3. wow really I'd like to be like you, since that I was a boy the mathematics hate me :c

  4. Replies
    1. jaja, misteriously i started to like history after school, but before that was a horrible subject

  5. i liked math too because i understand it very well and also i had a very good relationship with my Math teachers at school (and now at the U too)
