Friday, September 27, 2019

My future...

I like to have everything planner. I plan all the things that I will do in a short time or in a long time. 

When I finish my career I will start working in a pharmacy for around 8 or 9 years to learn about the organization, administration and all the system. Then I will put my own pharmacy in El Paico. I want to work with people that I know in the university and people from the town that are starting in the career of chemistry and pharmacy. After about 10 years, I want to delegate jobs in my pharmacy and share the administration of it, because I want to start a specialization in clinical pharmacy, so then I will work in this area in a hospital of a province until I no longer want to continue in it. When I don’t want to continue in it, I will work only in my own pharmacy, specific in the administration of it and maybe I can do other things when I want.

I like to work in some specific parts, for example, I want that my pharmacy stay in the town El Monte, most specific in El Paico, because I know that I this place there is no pharmacy. Also I want to work in Talagante’s hospital, because I know that it is not a good medical center, so I want to improve the health of people in the province.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The world of dance...

Dance like it is the last time

 People has many different hobbies, someone likes play football, sing, read or play guitar. In my case, I really like to do many things: I like to read, sing in my house, riding a bike… But the thing that I really really love is dance.

 The dance is an experience so interesting, because you can talk without words, and the people can understand you. When you dance, you connect with the public, they can feel your feelings.
 When you are in a stage, you forget everything, you forget all the problems, the preoccupations, the bad moments, because in this moment the only thing that is important, is that you are there and the bit is your body.

 Many persons think that they can’t dance because they are ugly, fat, stiff or stupid. But now I tell you: it doesn’t matter if you are “ugly”, fat, stiff or if you don’t know which the left is and which the right is. Everyone can dance. The only condition to dance is to want to do it. And obviously, you must to be committed.

I started to dance when I was 8 or 9 years old and I never stop. I dance everything, every bit, every song… I dance national and international folklore, contemporary, jazz, dance show, lyrical, ballet, children’s songs, everything… And I really love it.
I’m part of a dance group called “Ballet Folklórico Aÿen del Bicentenario” and I’m part of a ballet group in the cultural center of my province. I want to dance all my life... 

Friday, September 6, 2019

Why I study my career?

Why we select the career that we are studying?

I think that every career has an important aspect that makes us select them. Sometimes people wants to teach to other people, so they study pedagogy… Other persons want to have a company, so they study administration… Another person wants to help to the animals, so he studies veterinary... And we have many other examples…

In my case, I want to help people, so I am in a career about health, specifically I am studying chemistry and pharmacy.
I like this career because it doesn’t matter in what area you work; you always can help the people. Many persons believe that if you study chemistry and pharmacy, you only can work in a pharmacy, but this is not true, you can work in many areas.
For example, if you work in a pharmacy, you can help people give them the correct medicine and tell him how he has to consume. Or if you work in a laboratory, you can make the medicine to the people who need it or you can create a new medicine. So, wherever you work, you can help.
I think that this is a so important characteristic of chemistry and pharmacy, because I think that the “common benefit” is very important not only for me like a person, is very important for the humanity and the world.

When I say that I want to help people, I want to help to my own too. Because I have many medical problems and I think that this career can help with them or at least can help me to understand them. I think that this is very important for me. I think that I want to help people who have the same problems that I have.

An extra reason that makes me select this career is that I love chemistry and I think that is a very funny subject. So I think that I will be happy here.